Getting to Greece felt like the amazing race. We ran late for our train out of Florence so has to hustle there, got to Venice and has to find then post office (an I'm itself, I sent 5 postcards but have no idea if they sent or not, sorry). Then we found a supermarket to et food for our 30 hour boat ride to Corfu, Greece. We wanted tom save some money so we got "deck" seats. Aka no seats. We literally just pad locked our bags to the metal post by our chairs, hung out and slept on the ground on the top of the ship. It was hard, chilly and not amazing, but I slept and survived.
Anyways, after getting cheap food we has to find the boat. We were going to walk but then heard of a people mover and figured it out....eventually found our boat, and we are now on our way.
Fun/interesting things that have occurred/been said on our adventure to Greece:
-Food. Like I said, we went to the store to get non perishable food. I ended up with 4 bananas, 39 cent bread, jam (to go with the peanut butter I brought from the US), and some pickled veggies. So, basically for 4 meals I had pb and j plus a banana. Lunch was canned ravioli I brought from home too. It's not bad, but after two days of that you're over it. We saw a lot of people that had a lot of better looking stuff. We are going to try to find that stuff for the way back. Also, Its amazing what your body will crave after not hot warm food for a while. Both Courtney and I are seriously craving some mcdonalds. we decided we are going to get it in Paris, since that will probably be cheaper than most stuff there.
-our pouches we wear for our passports, cards and money sit right under our pants in the front. They make us look like we have a little extra up there. Luckily we aren't trying to impress anyone.
-everyone, and I mean Everyone smokes here. I saw a kid no older than 14 just smoking like it was nothing. It's very different from home.
-there is this drink called ouzo. I'm going to warm you now, if someone in a Greek store tells you it's good, and kind of like vodka but with a flower infused and you can just drink it on the rocks (it turns from clear to white when you pour it over ice, kind of cool, we made an instructional video). Anyways, if someone tells you that...they're LYING!! It may be the most disgusting thing I've ever drank. It's kind of like liquorish with an extra kick in the ass. Neither of us could stomach it. But, since we paid 5 euros for our bottles I decided to try it with diet coke wasn't as bad. I think I can bare it enough to not waste it, or maybe ill try to sell it to some drunk Aussie. Quote from court on the experience: "we just may have to chalk that up to experience, I just vomited in my mouth a bit...this is no whisky, where's my Jim Beam?!"
-I haven't seen any peanut butter in the supermarket. Maybe I'm in the wrong one, cause I feel like they have to have something larger than the places we've been going into...I mean, we saw an Ikea...point of the story is nutella is everywhere...literally, they made dessert pizzas with it. But no PB so far. This needs to change because my PB is running low and that's what I've been surviving on for a week.
-I learned why we have been doing our own shopping and not eating out, especially on a cruise....I ordered coffee this morning. Like plain jane coffee...3 euros!
-two shoe fetishes I've noticed....crocs, and socks with sandals. The first is just interesting, the latter needs to be fixed.
-I've seen way too many naked bodies today...and i haven't even seen as many as Courtney. Literally a woman right in front of us just stripped it down to put on and take off her swimsuit. Also, a lot of speedos and tight small swim "shots" which I'm not quite as surprised as. This also goes along with the no bra thing we have seen. I don't understand it, if I can see your nipples through your white shirt we have a problem.
And that's the story of our journey, and a few extra things we have noticed. Time for 4 days at The Pink Palace! It's our vacation within our vacation!
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