My brother reminded me that I forgot introductions, so here you go people.
Leading the way we have my Dad, aka MOOSE
A proud Canadian, lover of Jeopardy and USC fan he became a dual citizen at a young age and spent his high school years in LA. A proud American and Vietnam Veteran, and just as crazy as you could imagine. He’s a rancher, a miner, a construction worker, a car and mobile home salesman (and the best damn salesman around)… if you can think of it he could probably do it. His laid back attitude will drive you crazy and help you have fun all at the same time. He has more stories than a book and will tell anyone with an ear how awesome his kids are.
Dad picked up a friend a few years back, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. The next addition to our trip is Buddy, the perfect companion for the moose.
. If you’ve never heard of a Jindo, you should. A breed of dog from Asia, they even have slightly slanted eyes. Buddy is as white as snow (don’t worry, we have a few bandanas so we don’t lose him in Canada) and as calm as a cucumber. He goes perfect with my dad; I’ve only heard him bark a handful of times. One of his favorite activities is hanging loose at 50 miles per hour, basically living life on the edge. He enjoys long jogs with me and cuddling up next to my dad. If you know anyone interested inquire below.
On our way out! |
A trip wouldn’t be complete without a car, and for that we have The Moose Mobile. It’s changed and been updated over the years, but only for the better. It’s recently gotten a few additions, including a snowboard rack and Sirius radio… but it continues to trek on just as strong as ever.
And, of course, you all know me. I’m the smartest, funniest, most interesting person you know. Admit it.
And onto the fun:
My ten favorite moments from our first day on the road (Albuquerque, through the four corners, up into Cortez, Colorado)
1. 1. “Those are perfect skipping stones for giants!” : Driving in this part of the country you get to see some of the most beautiful natural beauty of the country. I still think it’s amazing how corrosion, wind, water, etc. can cause rocks to look the way they do. So as we’re passing another random looking giant rock this is the quote that comes out of my dad’s mouth. Loved it.
2. 2. McDonalds Security: This is awesome for two reasons. First, we were confused as to why a random McDonalds in Gallup, NM (a reservation) would need a security guard standing at the door. Second, and most awesome, as we’re walking out the guy see’s my Auburn sweatshirt and says “oh, are you from Alabama” … I respond with “yes, I go to school in Auburn” … and to this he reply’s “oh, I’m from Huntsville, I went to Butler High”
3. 3. Cowboys and Indians: I forgot how many Cowboy’s fans I always see around this part of the country… and does anyone else find it funny that a lot of Indians (native Americans) are Cowboys fans?
4. 4. “Texans should be banned from the Planet” : After this comment when a few trucks that had Texas license plates drove by I had to inquire as to why my dad hated Texans so much. I know he hates Bush… but I figured there had to be more. From this I got one of my favorite Moose stories from the day. He was stationed in San Antonio for a while and would go out every now and again. He had heard about Aretha Franklin playing at a local bar (“an all dark bar” is how he described it). But he wanted to go, because R.E.S.P.E.C.T had just made it big and he sure liked him some Aretha Franklin. So he went by himself… assuming it wouldn’t be a big deal because when he went to high school in LA he hung out with a lot of the black crowd because he played football. Anyways, he’s dancing and totally having a good time with all these women (they loved him apparently, I think that’s where my brother gets it from). Well You would think he had a problem with there boyfriends or something, but no, the trouble didn’t start until he got outside. Apparently as he was leaving there were “a couple red neck boys sitting on the tailgate of a truck” that came up to him and decided to give him a hard time for no reason. “and with a cop sitting in eye sight just watching… as one of them nudged me… I leaned in and knocked the shit out of him… then ran before his friends knew what happened” …. For all you Texas fans out there, don’t worry, when we got to four corners we met a younger Big Red 1 guy and he was from Texas so my dad said not everyone is bad.
Funny add on, literally as I’m typing about Texas this happens.. my dad just said “how’s Shane, what’s he doing for Christmas” and I said “Huntsville” to which I get “he’s a f#@king Texan?!?!” .. Then after correcting he responds with “oh.. sorry… I thought you said El Paso.. never mind”
5. 5. Hogans: If you’re thinking Hulk, you’re wrong. But don’t worry, I didn’t know what it was either. I’ve learned a lot so far. We’re driving through “Navaho Nation” and everytime we pass a reservation, trailer, etc. you see these weird round extra large outhouse looking things. At first I noticed one or two but didnm’t think much. Probably because I’m used to seeing the occasional storm shelter. But as we see more my dad makes a comment “you see all those Hogans.” To this, like any of you would respond “Like Hulk?” He says yes, and then explains that he think’s their sweat houses or something for ceremonial stuff. He didn’t really know so I did a little research so I can teach all of you a little something. Instead of typing out info from wiki I'll just leave you the link, feel free to read.
6. 6. “Is that a Llama?!”: Driving in the middle of nothing but Mesa, I look to my left, more mesa, look to my right, more mesa, to the left, even more mesa… then back to the right. And what do I see? A black Llama.
7. Rock Names: I would love to know who names rocks. Church rock, chimney rock, Ship rock, all kinds of different rocks. And so far none of them look like their name. I’m thoroughly confused. They’re just big and in the middle of nowhere and have weird names. Maybe I’ll “see the rock” tomorrow as we travel into Utah.
8. 8. The Hippi In San Fran: Another story I heard today (I’ve heard it before but today got a few more details). Basically, when my Dad returned from Vietnam as a “21 year old in the best shape of my life” He didn’t come home to welcome signs. Apparently the Vietnam War and our men fighting over there was not accepted by everyone. And our troops weren’t welcomed home like they are today. So my dad gets back, and him and some of his war buddies are meeting at a little bar in the airport (same bar the woman refused to give him a drink the day he was shipping out to war just a year before). As he gets there, he notices he’s the first one so just starts walking up to the bar. On the way, passes a few hippi’s leaving and one makes a few comments under his breath and then SPITS on my dad. Well… being that he is in the best shape of his life he had no other choice but to knock this guy down in one punch. “He should have expected it, I was in amazing shape and just got home from nam.. so I was a little crazy.”
9. 9. Our first hotel Toilet: So if you picture your toilet, and you picture the hole and what happens when you flush. You’ll notice that your brain see’s a hole directly in the back lower corner, and the water moves away from you, out the back of the toilet. If you’re confused then just move to 10. The toilet in our Hotel has a hole in the front and when you flush all the water moves at a downward/forward angel kind of in the direction of your ankles. It’s very strange.
10. 10.
Honey raspberry wheat ale. Yes, you read right. It was amazing and smooth and from a little brewery/restaurant in Cortez. There moto was “Avoid heart attacks, Drink beer!”
11.11. I know I said 10. But this is my Blog. And as I’m sitting here eating craisin oatmeal walnut spice white chocolate chip cookies from a cute little bakery off 4th street in Albuquerque I decided the world needed to know how amazing they are. They also have Chocolate Red Chili cookies (don’t worry, mom, I’m bringing a few home)

Here are a few pictures from our first day:
4 Corners (NM, AZ, CO, UT) |
A And now to finish my coffee at a cute little place in Cortez and hit the road to Utah!