Friday, July 1, 2011

Heidelburg, Germany

First, I forgot a story from our last night in Paris that I want to remember. Basically on the way back from the Eiffel tower we found a metro station, walked down, and there was nowhere to buy a ticke (all the other ones have kiosks). So, we walked right down the street to the next one, walk down, and still nothing. Since I see nothing and the exit door is open, I'm just like "come on, we are just gonna go" .. And I guess there is a sensor because I Starr walking through and as soon as I get in the door shuts and I literally run right into it... So, we didn't know what to do and are standing there discussing it as 2 older men (easily in their late 60's/70's) walk by and I guess the one notices us. He kind of eyes us and signals with his hand to we do, and he signals us closer, and as he swipes his card he moves really slowly, like a little shuffle, through the door so we can all get through. It made us both crack up for the rest of the night.

Anyways, Heidelburg...

We had heard how neat Heidelberg was and were already a little sad we only were going to be there for one night, but there wasn't much we could do about it (we have had to book all of our trains in hostels in Germany to make sure we don't get stuck somewhere or without a place to stay). So, we decided we would just make the best of it.

The day started early...train at 7 meant up to catch the metro at 530am..however, I was up at 230 (after being up till about 1) because of my unknown illness. So, it was already early, and we were just ready to get on the train and get to Heidelberg form the day. Then.. About 630 we hear over the speakers in the train station that our train has been cancelled. Ya, you can imagine the thoughts that an threw our head at thar point. So, after a good laugh, we went to find the ticket office. Luckily they have an English speaking counter and Courtney used her southern charm to get all the info. We had to catch a different train to another little town and get the regional train from there. So, we go find the platform we need (they told us to just bring the tickets we have and we would get seats there)... Well, we get there and there are several people yelling in German to the train official. After much confusion I walk up to one of the upset women and ask if she speaks English. Luckily, she does. She tells us that both our train and the train they told us to take instead are full so we have to stand or something, and apparently they were all Yelling that they should send another train and it's unsafe, etc. Well, Courtney and I just wanted to get to Heidelberg, so we just decided to get on and wing it. Luckily, as we get on a man and woman are speaking English.. Long story short he was her boyfriend and just dropping her off, and she lives in Heidelberg. Then, we all 3 found seats and spent the next 3 hour train ride, plus one hour wait in a random town, plus another hour to Heidelberg Talking and sharing stories and just having a grand time. She told us all about how their sister state is South Carolina so she went to Clemson for 2 years and USC for 1. We really just had a great conversation, talked about the interesting differences between the states and Europe, healthcare (she offered to go into a pharmacy with us to help me out), about Heidelburg and really all sorts of things. Then, we decoded we needed to meet up once she got off work that night to get drinks (her favorite place is the hard rock...which is the smallest most non hard rock hard rock cafe I've ever seen...and so cheap). So that was that.

We made it there, only 2 hours late, and Diana took us to our hostel. We then headed up to the Heidelberg Castle, home of the German pharmacy museum! We also didn't have a map because they were out so just kind of started walking in the direction we needed to go. We finally found it and spent a good 2 hours there. We were huge nerds...taking pictures of all the stuff and finding all the history about our profession so interesting. As Courtney said "I took more pictures here than at the Louvre." 

After that, we headed to the walking/shopping district. Just all stores, pubs, cafes, etc and it's all walking only. It was fun, we saw a lot of cool shops. I'm excited that Cologne is near the end of our trip because the souvenir I like is somewhat fragile and heavy so I can grab it then. We went into 2 gummy bear stores (so good, so cheap), stopped to watch bits and pieces of the Sweden/Columbia game, and then headed back to clean up before finding somewhere to watch the US game. Unfortunately we got lost a little on the way back, so I didn't shower and left to find a place while Court got cleaned up (she isn't a big soccer fan, but I'm slowly converting her). I was a little worried because most of the places we saw were back I that walking district and it was about a 25 minute walk...with kick off in 15. Luckily just a block from our hostel I saw a place, and as I was walking through the beer garden to see if they had TVs I see 2 guys carrying a tv ask, and yes, it's for the game! So, I sat down, ordered a very cheap German beer, and thoroughly enjoyed the first half (minus the few near heart attacks). Courtney joined at half and I filled her in on all that had happened, we got some food (cheap...I loveeeeeee Germany) and watched US take control the second half! 

After the win I headed to clean up before we met Diana. She called, and we went and met her at Hard Rock. We each had 2 very good (and very cool looking...unfortunately we didn't bring our cameras) and again, cheap, drinks. Called it a night relatively early and headed back. 

Wednesday was just a get up, send a few post cards, explore a little more before catching the train day. Only sad moment...when I saw Hope Solo tweet that the USA women were headed to Heidelberg that afternoon. Very unfortunate, I wish they would have told us there plans sooner so I could plan my stalking accordingly. But, we had to leave. 

So far, Germany is just sweet. It's beautiful, laid back, American friendly, and full of soccer fans. Now if only Europe would stop trying to get me sick. I'm pretty sure it hates me and wants nothing to do with me. I'm a allergic (or something crazy) to the Mosquitos to where my bites form blister like things that are red and swollen a good 2 inch diameter circle around.. I have this unknown illness that is just a roller coster...during the day I rarely notice, but at nght and early morning I feel like I'm dying.. And now my eyes are messed up. Not sure if it's pink eye because it's not quite that bad, but definitely a little red, weird stuff oozing out on occasion, I wake up unable to open my eyes because of it... 

But, eurotrip doesn't stop so nether do I. Depending on how I feel while in Munich I may try figure out the doctor thing... I'm on day 8 of sickness (pretty sure I got whatever I have the last night we were  in Corfu) and a virus should start clearing up by now.. Luckily I finally got some sort of help at the pharmacy and got these Minty things you suck on.. It's a drug thats not in the US, but I looked it up.. It helps a bit with the symptoms plus I'm sure has some placebo effects on my symptoms. So, only time will tell. For now, I'm just ignoring it and wearing my sunglasses a lot (because I can't wear eye liner so I look like a 12 year old drug addict)

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